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08/02 Federman & Sherwood Investigates University of Rochester for Data Breach

Oklahoma City, OK (August 2, 2023) – The law firm of Federman & Sherwood has initiated an investigation into University of Rochester with respect to their recent data breach. On July 28, 2023, University of Rochester notified 88,025 individuals that the university experienced a data breach after an unauthorized party accessed sensitive consumer data entrusted to the school. According to University of Rochester, they determined that information stored on their servers may have been subject to unauthorized access on May 27, 2023. University of Rochester determined that the information exposed in the data breach may include: Social Security numbers. If […]

08/02 Federman & Sherwood Investigates Cheyenne Radiology Group & MRI, P.C. for Data Breach

Oklahoma City, OK (August 2, 2023) – The law firm of Federman & Sherwood has initiated an investigation into Cheyenne Radiology Group & MRI, P.C. with respect to their recent data breach. On July 24, 2023, Cheyenne Radiology Group & MRI, P.C. notified individuals that the company experienced a data breach after an unauthorized party accessed sensitive consumer data entrusted to the company. According to Cheyenne Radiology Group & MRI, P.C., they determined that information stored on their servers may have been subject to unauthorized access on December 12, 2022. Cheyenne Radiology Group & MRI, P.C. determined that the information […]

08/02 Federman & Sherwood Investigates Chattanooga Heart Institute for Data Breach

Oklahoma City, OK (August 2, 2023) – The law firm of Federman & Sherwood has initiated an investigation into Chattanooga Heart Institute with respect to their recent data breach. On July 28, 2023, Chattanooga Heart Institute notified individuals that the company experienced a data breach after an unauthorized party accessed sensitive consumer data entrusted to the company. According to Chattanooga Heart Institute, they determined that information stored on their servers may have been subject to unauthorized access on March 8, 2023. Chattanooga Heart Institute determined that the information exposed in the data breach may include: name, mailing address, Social Security […]

08/02 Federman & Sherwood Investigates VALIC Retirement Services Company (VRSCO) for Data Breach

Oklahoma City, OK (August 2, 2023) – The law firm of Federman & Sherwood has initiated an investigation into VALIC Retirement Services Company (“VRSCO”) with respect to their recent data breach. On July 31, 2023, VRSCO notified approximately 798,000 individuals that the company experienced a data breach after an unauthorized party accessed sensitive consumer data entrusted to the company. According to VRSCO, they determined that information stored on a third party vendor’s servers may have been subject to unauthorized access from May 29, 2023 through May 30, 2023. VRSCO determined that the information exposed in the data breach may include: […]

08/02 Federman & Sherwood Investigates Synergy Healthcare Services for Data Breach

Oklahoma City, OK (August 2, 2023) – The law firm of Federman & Sherwood has initiated an investigation into Synergy Healthcare Services with respect to their recent data breach. On July 27, 2023, Synergy Healthcare Services notified individuals that the company experienced a data breach after an unauthorized party accessed sensitive consumer data entrusted to the company. According to Synergy Healthcare Services, they determined that information stored on their servers may have been subject to unauthorized access from November 30, 2022 through December 3, 2022. Synergy Healthcare Services determined that the information exposed in the data breach may include: name, […]

08/02 Federman & Sherwood Investigates MHMR Authority of Brazos County for Data Breach

Oklahoma City, OK (August 2, 2023) – The law firm of Federman & Sherwood has initiated an investigation into MHMR Authority of Brazos County with respect to their recent data breach. On July 28, 2023, MHMR Authority of Brazos County notified individuals that the company experienced a data breach after an unauthorized party accessed sensitive consumer data entrusted to the company. According to MHMR Authority of Brazos County, they determined that information stored on their servers may have been subject to unauthorized access on November 5, 2022. MHMR Authority of Brazos County determined that the information exposed in the data […]

08/02 Federman & Sherwood Investigates Progressive Casualty Insurance Company for Data Breach

Oklahoma City, OK (August 2, 2023) – The law firm of Federman & Sherwood has initiated an investigation into Progressive Casualty Insurance Company with respect to their recent data breach. On August 1, 2023, Progressive Casualty Insurance Company notified individuals that the company experienced a data breach after an unauthorized party accessed sensitive employee data entrusted to the company. According to Progressive Casualty Insurance Company, they determined that information stored on their servers may have been subject to unauthorized access on or before May 18, 2023. Progressive Casualty Insurance Company determined that the information exposed in the data breach may […]

08/02 Federman & Sherwood Investigates Cupertino Electric, Inc for Data Breach

Oklahoma City, OK (August 2, 2023) – The law firm of Federman & Sherwood has initiated an investigation into Cupertino Electric with respect to their recent data breach. On July 28, 2023, Cupertino Electric notified employees who worked for the company between January 21, 1954 and June 12, 2023, that the company experienced a data breach after an unauthorized party accessed sensitive consumer data entrusted to the company. According to Cupertino Electric, they determined that information stored on their servers may have been subject to unauthorized access between June 14, 2023 and June 24, 2023. On July 12, 2023, Cupertino […]

08/02 Federman & Sherwood Investigates Paycom Payroll, LLC for Data Breach

Oklahoma City, OK (August 2, 2023) – The law firm of Federman & Sherwood has initiated an investigation into Paycom Payroll, LLC with respect to their recent data breach. On July 31, 2023, Paycom Payroll, LLC notified individuals that the company experienced a data breach after an unauthorized party accessed sensitive consumer data entrusted to the company. According to Paycom Payroll, LLC, they determined that information stored on their servers may have been subject to unauthorized access from May 28, 2023 through June 2, 2023. Paycom Payroll, LLC determined that the information exposed in the data breach may include: names, […]

07/28 Federman & Sherwood Investigates Henry Ford Health for Data Breach

Oklahoma City, OK (July 28, 2023) – The law firm of Federman & Sherwood has initiated an investigation into Henry Ford Health with respect to their recent data breach. On May 22, 2023, Henry Ford Health notified patients that the company experienced a data breach after an unauthorized party accessed sensitive consumer data entrusted to the company. According to Henry Ford Health, they determined that information stored on their servers may have been subject to unauthorized access on March 30, 2023. Henry Ford Health determined that the information exposed in the data breach includes: names, gender, date of birth, age, […]

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Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73120

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Richardson, Texas 75081