Federman & Sherwood initiated litigation against Samsung Electronics America, Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. on January 13, 2017 on behalf of any and all consumers who have a Samsung home washing machines which have an inherently dangerous defect or suffer catastrophic failure during a given machine’s normal usage. Click here to see if you have a model number that is included in the litigation.
If you have a recalled Samsung Washing Machine and wish to be included in the litigation, please complete the Contingent Fee Agreement by clicking here. You can return the executed Contingent Fee Agreement either by U.S. mail, email to rkh@federmanlaw.com or by facsimile to (405) 239-2112. You are under no financial obligation as a class participant. Any attorneys’ fees would be decided by the court at the end of the case or during the settlement stage (if any money is recovered on behalf of the class). Consumer litigation lasts approximately 2-3 years (and sometimes even longer), and there is no guarantee of a recovery.
Federman & Sherwood has extensive experience in consumer class action, securities, derivative and merger litigation nationwide, has a high success rate in recovering money for misled consumers and shareholders, and has been appointed as lead or co-lead counsel in multiple cases across the nation.