To: All persons who used on or before July 20, 2015, you may be eligible to receive benefits from the class action known as In re: Ashley Madison Customer Data Security Breach Litigation, Case No. 4:15-md-02669-JAP, filed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri.
The Court entered an Order Granting Preliminary Approval of Settlement, Directing Notice to the Class, Scheduling a Final Approval Hearing, and Certifying a Settlement Class, click here to view the Order. If you wish to receive settlement benefits and are eligible, you will need to submit a claim form directly to the settlement administrator. The deadline to file a claim form is January 2, 2018. You can obtain a claim form and additional information at the following website:
If you have any questions or problems with the claim form, you will need to contact the claims administrator at or at (844) 474-8293.